
Tag: book promotion

Another Opportunity to Share!

Once again I’m getting to read “Daughter of Jerusalem” to an enthusiastic group of listeners–this time to an interfaith group at a nearby assisted-living complex. I can’t think of a happier way to spend three Monday mornings. I love seeing their faces as they respond to a first hearing of this story that is now so familiar to me. It makes it new again.

I’ve been told authors generally want little or nothing to do with their books once they’ve been published. But somehow I don’t share that feeling. Perhaps it’s because my books have always felt more like a gift that came to me rather than a creative act of my own. I see the Father’s hand on every page. And that never gets old.

An Opportunity to Share

Last month I was invited to read Daughter of Jerusalem aloud to patients and assisted-living residents at Peace Haven. What a joy to see them experience Mara’s story for the very first time! This child of my imagination has become such an old friend to me that it was refreshing and renewing to catch a glimpse of her through the eyes of others.

The experience also gave me further confirmation that the book’s brevity can actually be an asset rather than a liability. Had it been a full-length novel, it would never have been feasible to present it in the allotted four one-hour evening segments, which included question-and-answer time.

Solitary Work?

Yes, birthing a book would appear to be that—certainly the part that happens at the computer keyboard. But there is so much more to it—so many ways that others have contributed to bringing my books from the secret world of my imagination into public view. Without the encouragement, artistic talent, technical knowledge, helpful mentoring, and insightful editing of others, neither The You-Song nor Daughter of Jerusalem would have seen the light of day.

Now that they have been published, it will take many others, involved in less central but nevertheless important ways, to let the books’ potential audiences know that they’re available and worth reading. Until now I never would have imagined how much a “like” on the You-Song or Daughter of Jerusalem Facebook page or a brief review on Goodreads or the website of a bookseller such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble—actions that can be accomplished in a minute or two—could contribute to getting the word out.

So my heart is already reaching out gratefully to anyone who’s willing to take a moment to participate in this simple way in the publication of these two books. It assures me again that I’m not alone!

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