
Category: Reviews

Cornucopia DoJ Review

Cornucopia Books shared a lovely review of Daughter of Jerusalem. You can read the review on their site and I’ve also shared it below:

This new novel, aimed at the young adult market but readily enjoyable by adults, plunges the reader into the bustling word of first century Jerusalem. It’s also the world of Mara, a teen-age Jewess, who in her struggle to find and realize her full identity and completeness, has an experience millions might envy. She meets and talks with Yeshua, known to us as Jesus the Christ. Continue reading

Kirkus Reviews

You may remember I blogged recently about Taking the Plunge when I submitted my books to Kirkus Reviews. It was a big step for a first-time independent author to take. In fact, Kirkus has only recently begun reviewing indie books at all. So picture rookie author Joanne discovering the links to her reviews on her iPhone and being unable to access them because she has no idea what her Kirkus user name and password might be! Continue reading

Something to Celebrate!

Writing a book, for me at least, seems far less difficult and much more fun than promoting one. Nevertheless, a dutiful, concerted effort to promote my books began in January. Then, after several months of researching children’s book websites and making vain attempts to contact bloggers who write reviews of books for early and middle grade readers, I was asked to resume some work at church which left me little time for such a quest. All I could do was entrust my books to Him who inspired them. Continue reading

Book Reviews

Until my two books were published, I had no inkling of the importance of the reviews readers post on websites such as and Last year a friend asked me to write one for her father’s book, which I’d told her I was finding very useful. That was my first review ever, and it was done more out of friendship than out of any concept of how helpful the review could be in promoting the book. The review I wrote yesterday of a novella about a young woman whose life is touched by Jesus’ healing works was quite a different matter. The book’s subject was so close to that of my “Daughter of Jerusalem” that I wanted to give it a rave review. But while I loved the spirit of it and appreciated its historical detail, it had some literary shortcomings I couldn’t entirely overlook. I really battled with myself over it, wanting to support the author but wanting to be honest to prospective readers as well. I hope that my final draft was fair to both sides. A book review is truly a gift to all concerned, and if anyone who reads this has read either of my books and is inclined to write a review, believe me when I say that I will be more than grateful!


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